Doctor mallet first hopes to prove his concept by building a mini-time machine for subatomic particles. 马利特博士开始希望通过建造一个以亚原子粒子为基础的迷你时光机器。
A pulse of neutrinos ( small, elusive subatomic particles with no electric charge) corresponds to the digit 1 while no pulse corresponds to 0. 一个中微子(一种不带电荷形态诡异的亚原子粒子)脉冲对应着逻辑电平1,没有脉冲时就对应着逻辑电平0。
Small as they are, atoms are made up of still smaller units known as subatomic particles. 尽管原子小,但它们是由更小的称为亚原子粒的单位组成的。
Physicists expect these super-energetic collisions between protons and later between far heavier lead nuclei to produce a cornucopia of subatomic particles never before seen on earth. 物理学家预计,在质子之间以及未来进行的在重得多的铅原子核之间的超高能对撞,将产生大量地球上未曾有过的亚原子粒子。
These devices, which generate vapour trails that mark the passage of high-energy subatomic particles, were the first apparatus that allowed such passage to be tracked. 这些仪器通过产生水蒸气来标记高能亚原子粒子的运动轨迹,是第一个可以显示出粒子运动径迹的仪器。
Any of several photographic emulsions used to detect and visually display the paths of charged subatomic particles, especially of charged cosmic ray particles. 照片的感光乳剂,用于侦测并形象地显示带电亚原子微粒,尤指带电宇宙射线微粒的路径。
The branch of physics that studies subatomic particles and their interactions. 物理学中研究次原子粒子与其作用的分支。
The electricity conserved will power instruments that will measure the exotic fields and subatomic particles littering the route to interstellar space. 保存的电力将给一些仪器充电,它们将测量奇异区域和分布在星际空间道路上的亚原子微粒。
And so these are the subatomic particles that we have to contend with. 这些是亚原子粒子,我们需要对付一下。
Subatomic particles can be wayward. 亚原子粒子可能是任性的。
Subatomic particles are routinely detected smashing into Earth's atmosphere at incredibly high energies, but the origin of these ultra-high-energy cosmic rays ( UHECRs) remains a mystery. 亚原子粒子被检测到以无法令人无法相信地高能进入地球大气层,但这些极端高能的宇宙射线的来源一直是个谜。
The understanding of electricity depends on a knowledge of atoms and the subatomic particles of which they are composed. 要想了解电是怎么回事,得先了解原子及构成原子的亚原子粒子。
Subatomic physics involves the creation and destruction of particles. 亚原子物理学涉及到粒子的产生和湮灭。
The ultimate goal of observational cosmology is to capture the entire history of the universe, providing a seamless picture of our descent from a shapeless gas of subatomic particles. 观测宇宙学的终极目标,是建构宇宙的完整历史,对于宇宙最早由次原子粒子所构成的无形气体,提供清晰连贯的图像。
Producing a single one of these subatomic particles in the proton-proton collisions at the LHC is relatively rare, and generating two or even three at a time is even more unusual. 在大型强子对撞机中进行的质子-质子对撞实验中,产生单个这种轻子粒子的事件相对罕见,而一次产生两个或三个则较为常见。
Bizarre and unexpected things can happen in the world of subatomic particles. 在亚原子粒子世界中可能会发生异乎寻常的事、出乎意料的事。
It encompasses the study of the universe from the largest galaxies to subatomic particles, covering mechanics, radiation, heat, electricity, sound, magnetism and the structure of atoms. 它涵盖对宇宙从最大的星系到亚原子粒子整个空间范围的研究,覆盖力学、辐射、热、电、声、磁和原子结构等等。
The universe contains everything that exists, from the tiniest subatomic particles to galactic superclusters. 宇宙包罗万象,小至次原子粒子,大到银河超星系团。
Large enough to contain a few subatomic particles. 能装下一些亚原子微粒的容器。
If the forces that bind together subatomic particles were just a little weaker, there would be a lot of hydrogen floating around, but no atoms, no molecules, and again, no life. 如果亚原子粒子间的吸引力再弱一点,氢原子就会悬浮不定,也就没有了原子分子,生命也不存在了。
"Einstein worked out the theory of relativity with paper and pencil, But could only speculate on the true nature of subatomic particles" 爱因斯坦虽然用纸和笔研究出了相对论,但只能推测亚原子粒子的真实特性
Scientists have managed to repeat an experiment which shows subatomic particles travelling faster than the speed of light. 科学家再次完成一项实验,证明亚原子粒运行速度比光速要快。
Scientists call ordinary matter "baryonic matter" because protons and neutrons are subatomic particles called baryons. 科学家把这些常见物统称为“重物质”,因为质子和中子都属于亚原子结构的重子。
A third major group of subatomic particles consists of bosons, which transmit the forces of the universe. 第三组主要的亚原子粒子是玻色子,是它们传送着宇宙中的各种力。